Andreas Rauh
Andreas Rauh
Published 23 December 2024

Pick & Roll Offense Against Low Drop Defense

In a Low Drop coverage, the screener’s defender drops deep into the middle of the paint to prioritize protecting the rim and contesting the highest-percentage shot in basketball—the layup—while deliberately allowing the least efficient shot: the long two-pointer.

This strategy also offers additional benefits. It adheres to the defensive philosophy of "no man behind," enabling two defenders to handle the pick-and-roll without needing help from a tag man or a low man, thus keeping the rest of the defense intact.

Low Drop Defense
Low Drop

Instead of following the screener, the defender drops down into the paint to prevent easy rim attacks.

Pick & Pop

One of the most obvious—and often overused—strategies against the Low Drop is the pick-and-pop. Since the screener’s defender is positioned deep in the paint, it’s a logical counter for the screener to pop out to the three-point line or mid-range for an open shot or other scoring opportunities that arise from this option.

Pick & Pop (2)

It’s crucial for the ball handler to be patient and allow the defense to fully commit before delivering a pass to the popper. Otherwise, the trailing defender—delayed by the screen—can quickly recover and neutralize the advantage created by the play.

If the screener is an excellent shooter, the pick-and-pop can neutralize the primary purpose of the Low Drop and force the defense to adjust their scheme entirely.

High Screen
Open Space

A high on-ball screen magnifies the biggest weakness of the Low Drop defense: the open spacing in the middle of the court.

By initiating the screen higher, the ball handler gains a clearer view of the floor and more time to make effective decisions, enabling a more dynamic offense.

This setup also unlocks two highly effective offensive options against the Low Drop: the pull-up three-pointer and the downhill drive.

Attack Downhill and Force 2-on-1

With a high screen, the ball handler and screener have more space to build momentum when attacking downhill. While the Low Drop coverage is designed to defend against this 2-on-1 downhill attack, the added speed can make it more difficult for the defense to effectively contain the situation.

Aggressive drives to the paint not only increase scoring opportunities but can also force the rim protector into committing fouls, putting additional pressure on the defense.

Pull Up 3 Pointer

As mentioned earlier, Low Drop coverage intentionally allows the least efficient shot in basketball—the long two-pointer—but only if the screen action starts near the three-point line.

By setting the screen higher than the three-point line, the ball handler can use it to dribble into a pull-up three-pointer, a far more efficient shot compared to the long two.

While the pull-up three isn’t the easiest shot in basketball, stepping into it allows the ball handler to transition smoothly into their natural shooting motion. This is a rhythm shot that most players regularly practice, making it a reliable weapon against the Low Drop.

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