Pick & Roll in Basketball – The Ultimate Guide

The pick-and-roll is one of the oldest and most fundamental plays in basketball. It involves one offensive player setting a screen (pick) for a teammate with the ball and then moving (rolling) toward the basket to receive a pass or create space for a more dynamic offense.

Despite its simplicity, the pick-and-roll remains one of the most, if not the most, effective plays in the game. When executed perfectly, it can be a nightmare for defenders.

Pick-and-roll is a staple at every level of basketball and serves as a cornerstone of all offensive systems. Mastering the execution of the perfect pick-and-roll is crucial for any player or team.

In this breakdown, I'll provide an in-depth guide on how to execute the perfect pick-and-roll, as well as strategies to counter various defensive screen coverages and maximize the impact of this timeless play.

Basic Pick & Roll

In a typical Pick-and-Roll, the big man sets a screen for the ball handler above the three-point line, usually at the top of the key or on the wing. The screener acts as a wall, allowing the ball handler to use it to create separation and gain an advantage.


Screener’s Responsibilities

1. Free Up the Ball Handler

The screener's primary role is to free up the ball handler with a well-executed screen. This requires holding a wide, balanced stance and making firm contact with the ball handler’s defender. It’s crucial that the screener remains stationary during the screen to avoid being called for a moving screen foul.

2. Be a Passing Option

After setting the screen, the screener should pivot toward the ball handler, positioning themselves as a viable passing option.

Timing is everything. The screener must establish the screen before the ball handler makes their move to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Ball Handler’s Responsibilities

1. Create Separation

The ball handler’s primary role is to use the screen effectively to create separation. To do this, the ball handler must set up the screen by dribbling close enough to force the defender into it. Many coaches emphasize brushing shoulders with the screener to minimize the space for the defender to slip through.

2. Make the Correct Read

Once open, the ball handler’s responsibility shifts to reading the court and making the right decision: drive, shoot, or pass based on how the defense reacts.

As with the screener, timing is everything. The ball handler must assess the defense before making a move, avoiding the temptation to rush into action without a clear read.

How to Practice the Basic Pick & Roll

Practice the Movements

Master the basic movements first. Start by walking through the pick-and-roll slowly without the ball. Focus on learning the fundamental details, including the responsibilities of both the screener and the ball handler, as discussed earlier.

Practice finding the right timing for each role, determining the proper direction to roll after the screen, and ensuring every movement is precise. Repeat these actions until they become second nature.

Once comfortable, incorporate the ball while still walking through the play. Gradually progress to running the pick-and-roll with the ball but without any defense. Next, introduce dummy defense to simulate real scenarios, and finally, transition to live 2-on-2 situations to put the skills to the test.

Separation and Brush

The screener must understand how to set a proper screen, and the ball handler must know how to use it effectively. The screener begins at the low block, makes a quick separation move, and then comes up to set the screen. Meanwhile, the ball handler sets up their defender with a quick movement such as a hesitation, in-and-out dribble, or triple-threat jab, to guide the defender into the screen. The ball handler should then brush shoulders with the screener and finish at the rim.

It’s crucial for the screener to create separation from their defender before setting the screen. Likewise, the ball handler must actively lead their defender into the screen to maximize its effectiveness. For further details and techniques on how to accomplish these, I’ll explain more later in this article.

The Pick-and-Roll Pass Drill

All the fundamental principles of 'Separation and Brush' apply here. However, instead of finishing at the rim after using the screen, the ball handler will pass to the roll man to complete the play. Following the pass, the ball handler will backpedal to the three-point line for a catch-and-shoot opportunity.

Short Roll Bounce Pass

Place a cone between the three-point line and the elbow to mark where the roll man will catch the pass. The ball handler should pass immediately after using the screen, without taking an extra dribble, to disrupt the defense.

Timing is critical—make the pass half a beat earlier than usual. The roll man will typically catch the ball stationary, ready to shoot or make a quick move toward the basket

Pocket Bounce Pass

Place a cone at the elbow to practice the pocket pass. The ball handler’s aim is to lead the roll man toward the basket for a smooth scoring opportunity.

The key difference between a Pocket Pass and a Short Roll Pass is timing and positioning. The Pocket Pass finds the roll man in motion toward the basket, while the Short Roll Pass hits the roll man stationary, requiring them to make a move.

Overhead or Lob Entry Pass

Place a cone in the middle of the paint to practice overhead or lob passes. Use misdirections, like looking away or faking a pass, to navigate the crowded paint.

The roll man should seal an imaginary defender, catch the ball with their back to the basket, and execute a strong post move to finish.

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This drill reinforces the ball handler's ability to make precise, timely passes while giving the roll man varied scoring opportunities based on court positioning.

Practice the Pick & Roll Playing Live 2-on-2

Once the fundamentals are solid, transition to live 2-on-2 action. Focus on reading the defense, identifying weaknesses, and exploiting mismatches. If the screen is executed correctly, the offense should have the advantage every time.

If the offense fails to score on consecutive plays, revisit the fundamental details to identify and correct any issues. Consistent attention to these basics will ensure success in live scenarios.

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Advanced Pick and Roll Concepts

How to Setup for the Pick & Roll

To execute the perfect pick-and-roll, preparation is key. It doesn’t begin when the screener sets the screen—it starts well before the screener even moves. The offensive team must position their players strategically - let's learn how:

1. How Court Spacing Elevates the Pick-and-Roll

Spacing is crucial when executing a pick-and-roll. The fewer players crowding the paint, the more opportunities open up for the attacking team. Whether you're running a 5-out, 4-out-1-in, or any other setup, it's essential that all teammates know their positions and roles clearly.

Spacing for 1-5 Pick & Roll
Free Space To Attack!

Equally important is understanding how the defense is set up. For instance, if the opposing team's rim protector is matched up with a player spotting up in the corner, they can easily rotate as the low man to protect the paint. However, if the rim protector is positioned on the wing, it becomes significantly harder for them to defend the rim.

To maximize effectiveness, the offensive team should aim to position their players strategically to pull the opponent's rim protector as far away from the basket as possible. This opens up the lane for easier scoring opportunities.

2. Separation From the On-Ball Defender

Creating space against the on-ball defender before the screen arrives is crucial. Without sufficient space, the defender can lock and trail over the screen, making it difficult to gain an advantage. To create space effectively, it’s important to keep the defender guessing. A skilled defender will constantly look for opportunities to steal the ball or disrupt the next move.

Misdirection is key to preventing the defender from reading the play or telegraphing a pass. There are two primary ways to achieve this, which we’ll explore next.

Misdirecting with Triple Threat and Dribble Moves

The simplest way to create space before dribbling is by staying in a triple-threat stance. Get low, step toward the defender’s body to create separation, and keep the ball close for control. Take full advantage of the triple-threat position to maintain unpredictability.

If you’re already dribbling, use misdirection moves to keep the defender guessing. For example, lead the defender away from the screen, making it easier for them to get caught in the screen. Make the defender believe you’re ready to drive or pass, but always maintain tight ball control to avoid giving them a chance to steal.

Misdirecting with Eye Fakes

Looking away from the screen is a simple yet effective way to misdirect the defender, who is often reading and reacting to your eyes. A couple eye fakes or even pass fakes can be enough to create the necessary separation for an effective screen action.

3. Separation From the Screen Defender

But it’s not just the ball handler who needs to focus on separation. The screener also plays a vital role in creating space from their defender to ensure the screen is set effectively and maximizes its impact.

V-Cut & Push Off

While I’ve only highlighted the V-Cut and Push-Off techniques, all off-ball separation methods for receiving the ball can be applied here. The primary goal is to ensure that the screener’s defender is delayed, making it harder for them to defend the screen action.


If the screener constantly focuses on the ball handler, it becomes too easy for the defense to anticipate the next move. To keep the defender guessing, the screener should mix things up—this could mean looking elsewhere or faking an off-ball screen before running up to set the on-ball screen. The key is to remain unpredictable and keep the defense on their toes.

Use a Quick Burst to Set the Screen

Speed alone isn’t always the answer—what truly matters is the ability to change speed. Defenders react to the offensive player’s body language; if you appear relaxed, the defender is likely to relax as well. This moment of hesitation can catch them off guard, allowing you to create the separation needed to set an effective screen.

Screen the Screener Action (Ram Screen)

Screen the Screener (STS), also known as Pick the Picker (PTP), is an excellent technique for helping the screener create separation. More specifically, an off-ball screen designed to free up the on-ball screener is referred to as a Ram Screen. Incorporating a Ram Screen into your play can significantly aid in creating separation for the screener.

This action is particularly effective against hedge or blitz defensive schemes. I’ll delve deeper into how to utilize this strategy later in the article.

4. Using Defensive Rotations to Plan Your Attack

Additionally, it’s crucial to recognize defensive rotations to plan the attack effectively. This can be achieved through pre-game scouting or by observing the defense during the first few plays. Most teams tend to stick to their rotational patterns, even if they adjust their defensive coverages.

While identifying screen coverages is important, it’s equally vital to track where the tag comes from, how the low man rotates, and when defenders react. Pay close attention to how the defense handles skip passes—can they execute an X-out in time to complete a perfect rotation?

Identify the weak points where the defense breaks down, and use that knowledge to give the offense a strategic edge.

How to Execute the Pick & Roll

Now that we’re ready to run the perfect pick-and-roll, it’s time to focus on execution. Is it difficult? Not at all—but there are a few key details to keep in mind to ensure the play is as effective as possible.

1. Use the Perfect Screen Angle

Many coaches teach players to set screens at a 45-degree angle, with their back facing the corner of the court. While this advice is generally effective for on-ball screens, it often fails to explain why the 45-degree angle works so well.

90-Degree Screen
Easy to go under the screen!

At this angle it's easy for the defender to go under the screen and recover quickly to the ball handle

0-Degree Screen
Easy to go over the screen!

If the screen is to far to the back of the defender it's very easy to go over the screen making the screen useless.

45-Degree Screen
Ideal angle of screen

The screen at 45 degrees is set at the same angle that the attacker dribbles, therefore making going over or under the screen equally difficult, leaving no good options for the defender.

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The key detail is this: regardless of whether it’s an off-ball or on-ball screen, the screener’s back should point toward the angle of attack the offensive player intends to take with their first step.

This is why 45-degree angle screens are so effective—the ball handler typically aims to follow that path during a pick-and-roll action. This positioning makes it much harder for the on-ball defender to navigate either over or under the screen, ensuring maximum efficiency for the play.

2. Ensure Screener-to-Defender Contact

As obvious as it sounds, an effective screen requires the screener to make solid contact with the on-ball defender. But here’s the detail often overlooked: it’s the ball handler’s responsibility to ensure that contact happens.

As mentioned earlier, setting up the on-ball defender with misdirection is crucial to give the screener enough time to set an effective screen. This setup ensures that when the screen arrives, the ball handler can create separation.

If the ball handler drives too early—before the screen is in position—the defender can easily avoid it. On the other hand, if the screener tries to chase the defender to ensure contact, they risk committing an illegal screen foul.

On the other hand, if the ball handler waits passively for the screen, the defender has time to anticipate the play, reducing its effectiveness. The key is for the ball handler to use misdirection to disrupt the defender’s timing, giving the screener enough time to make contact and catch the defender off guard.

3. Create Ball Handler-to-Screener Contact

When using the screen, the ball handler must make firm contact with the screener to eliminate any space for the defender to slip between them. Executed properly, this guarantees separation and consistently creates a 2-on-1 advantage.

The ball handler should approach the screen with the intensity of a shoulder check—getting low and making solid contact to break free from the defense. This aggressive, controlled movement is essential for maximizing the effectiveness of the pick-and-roll.

A Simple and Effective Pick-and-Roll Action

We’ve covered so much about what makes a pick-and-roll perfect and effective. But after all these detailed and informative discussions, it’s important to remember that the best play is often the simplest one that gets the job done.

Here, I’ve highlighted one of my favorite pick-and-roll actions. It’s incredibly simple for the ball handler yet highly effective because it simplifies the offense to a single read. This action incorporates many of the principles we’ve discussed, making it both efficient and easy to execute.

This is an incredibly simple spread Pick & Roll yet highly effective because it simplifies the offense to a single read.

Setting a Screen for the Ball Handler

#5 comes up and sets the screen towards the side with two offensive players (#3 and #4)

Weak Side Off Ball Screen
  • It’s crucial for the screener to roll on the single side of the court. In this case, the screener (#5) will roll on the same side as #2.
  • Since the ball handler (#1) will be driving towards the double side, there’s a chance #4’s defender might stunt to slow down the drive. To counter this, #4 will set a down screen for #3, creating a simple off-ball action to keep the defense occupied.
  • As the ball handler (#1) comes off the screen and the screener (#5) rolls to the basket, #2 — positioned in the single-side corner — will "lift" to the 45-degree angle. This movement forces #2’s defender to make a decision: either tag the roll man (#5) or follow #2’s lift.

If #5’s screen is effective, it creates a 2-on-1 situation, with #5’s defender guarding both #1 and #5. At this point, #1’s read becomes simple:

  • If #2’s defender tags the roll man (#5), it leaves #2 open for a 3-pointer at the 45.
  • If #2’s defender follows the lift, #1 can either attack the basket or dump the ball off to #5 in the 2-on-1 situation.
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How to Counter Various Screen Defensive Schemes

Basketball is constantly evolving, with new tactics gaining popularity every season. While these 'counters' may not be the ultimate solution, they are designed to exploit the weaknesses in various defensive schemes and strategically attack those vulnerabilities.

Rather than simply memorizing which offensive plays counter specific defensive setups, it’s far more valuable to understand why these actions work. By grasping the underlying principles, you can adapt and apply them effectively to any situation on the court.

Pick & Roll Offense Against a Low Drop Defense

Low Drop

In a Low Drop coverage, the screener’s defender drops deep into the middle of the paint to prioritize protecting the rim and contesting the highest-percentage shot in basketball—the layup—while deliberately allowing the least efficient shot: the long two-pointer.

This strategy also offers additional benefits. It adheres to the defensive philosophy of "no man behind," enabling two defenders to handle the pick-and-roll without needing help from a tag man or a low man, thus keeping the rest of the defense intact.

Let's take a look at the two most popular strategies to counter the Low Drop Defense:

1. Pick and Pop


One of the most obvious—and often overused—strategies against the Low Drop is the pick-and-pop. Since the screener’s defender is positioned deep in the paint, it’s a logical counter for the screener to pop out to the three-point line or mid-range for an open shot or other scoring opportunities that arise from this option.

It’s crucial for the ball handler to be patient and allow the defense to fully commit before delivering a pass to the popper. Otherwise, the trailing defender—delayed by the screen—can quickly recover and neutralize the advantage created by the play.

If the screener is an excellent shooter, the pick-and-pop can neutralize the primary purpose of the Low Drop and force the defense to adjust their scheme entirely.

2. Set the Screen Higher

High Screen